Thursday, July 21, 2011

Off the walls.

Leave it to the TASIS Middle School Program to find the only bouncy slide in Salamanca.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Nos gusta TOLEDO!

Hoy fuimos a Toledo, la ciudad antigua y la capital original de España. Puedes ver La Catedral y El Alcazar en el fondo. También, vimos la obra famosa por El Greco: "El Entierro del Conde Orgaz"

Toledo por las calles.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

La Universidad, bullfight demo, and tapas!

Today started with another wonderful tour from our trusty guide, Inés. We went into the old University and began to understand what class was like hundreds of years ago.  We saw the library, classrooms that are no longer used, and Inés even told us about how the poor used to sit in the front row until just before the nobels arrived- to warm their seats!! The second half of the day was spent at Capea for some pool time, a bullfight demonstration, and delicious tapas.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Segovia y Ávila

This morning we left early for our Segovia and Ávila day trip. In Segovia we explored the Cathedral, the Alcazar (a castle where only the king and queen stayed), and of course the famous Acueductos.  From there we traveled to the beautiful walled city of Ávila nearby.  A true medieval town!  

Friday, July 15, 2011

El Museo Taurino

Esta mañana, fuimos al Museo Taurino en Salamanca. Está cinco minutos de La Residencia y era una experiencia muy divertida. Aquí tenéis fotos del grupo.